Sunday, January 24, 2010

Painfully Hip

Some days are just not my cup of tea...

I woke up with the worst pain in my right, non-op leg. Still having to compensate for my left leg & the hip precautions that I have. I tell you, it's not easy being HIP. So anyway, woke up in pain, needed some meds, walked to the kitchen to get some water and wouldn't you know it the water filter wasn't working. I needed WATER. I, of course, yelled & was pissed off because we had no water. Then later I noticed that the phone had a message & no one told me that my friend called. It just hit me like a ton of tears... I couldn't stop crying. I felt hopeless, angry, grief, sadness, and so utterly ALONE. I just let it all out.

Friends & family try to understand, but really they have no idea. It's tiring putting on a happy face for everyone around you. Know one really wants to really hear that you are in pain & when you are in as much pain everyday as us Hip Girls you just deal.

I think it was a delayed reaction to all this Hip stuff. I cried a little in the hospital & told myself not to waste my energy on the tears until I got home.

I stayed in my room all day cried, slept & finally drank some

Believe me when I say I don't want you to feel sorry for me. Keep it! I'm a strong cookie, but sometimes I just need to cry and not feel bad doing it. Hey! It's my Hip Party and I will cry if I want to.

Thank goodness for all of my EO's- essential oils, Dr.Hauschka Moor Lavender oil & hankies with rose water.

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