Friday, January 22, 2010

3 wk post op

So this is me, 3 wk post op using a walker. You can see how my left leg is sticking out.

At my 4 wk post op appt. Dr.Mar gave me a script for outpatient PT & he mentioned that they would show me how to use a cane. I felt really good & ready to move to the cane even with the unstable feeling of my left leg being 1/2 inch longer then my right. Dr. said it would take about 3 months before I even out because my pelvis was so twisted and the muscles need to adjust from 30 yrs of doing something different. Watch out! I'm going to have buns of steel, oh know, that is hip of steel.

I am really amazed how my body is healing... I feel better every day. I don't have pain from my hip, just the rest of my body adjusting & still compensating for my left hip.

I can't wait to see what this new bionic hip can do. But,first, my main goal is to do a simple leg lift. Can you believe that I've never been able to do one with my left leg? I've learned to adapt & compensate for so many years...old habits are hard to break. This is a new me with new guide lines that I want to excel with this new bionic self.

It took me just over 4 wks to to do most of my exercises comfortably. Day 1- 1wk was the most painful period. I couldn't even do most of my exercises. I had to do creative visualization... seeing in my minds eye what exercise I wanted my leg to do. My leg was so weak and painful that it wouldn't even move. Slowly, slowly... and now at 6wks I'm using 3lb weights. Every week I get a few more exercises added on. I've had PT since day one. The 4 days in the hospital I had PT 2x a day. When I came home I had PT come to my house 2x a wk & I have to do my exercises 3x a day.

My Dr. says walk as much as you can ,this will be really good for you. I've been stuck in this house because of the rain, wind and snow. I can only do so many laps around the kitchen, living room

I've been very fortunate to have my Hip Sisters to confide in. Only they really know what this crazy journey is all about. Hugs & Kisses to my Sisters.

See you on HipChicks & the yahoo hipgroup.

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