Friday, May 7, 2010

Splendid Day

Wow! What a glorious day. Living in the country there is always so much beauty to be grateful for. I love this time of year...aah! sigh! I've been taken more walks by the river with the poodle & with open arms give my thanks to the Divine Spirit for all the beauty that surrounds me.

I'm the luckiest girl-ever.

~The river she is flowing, flowing and growing.
The river she is flowing, down to the sea.
Mother, carry me, your child I will always be.
Mother carry me, down to the sea.~

Sunday, May 2, 2010

the Journey begins

So on to the next in the Sierra Foothills for the past 4 yrs I've been accustomed to having many birds, wild turkey,deer,skunk,raccoons and LOTS of stars as my neighbors. Moving back into the city...hum? Could we handle it? Well, not exactly, the city, but Fillmore, CA. I could handle that. I little bit country, close to the beach, friends and family on the next street.
This is a pic.of Fillmore & of our new back yard. 2 car garage to the right, Pilates/Ina's studio to the left and a small pool on the deck. I'm very excited to be able to exercise this hip in the pool & have a studio to work out in & to create until the midnight hours. We also have a rather large office...perfect for sharing and using as a shipment area for my goods.
We have a guest room for all those friends that are going to come and visit, right!
The house is up for sale. Send good vibes to us for getting this house sold. Getting things packed & ready to head down South.
Only a few more weeks away & we will be in our new home. It will be so nice to be with my Beloved. He leaves for the week & comes home on the weekends. It has been rather lonely here without him. Plus, it will be nice for him to come home to a meal, hugs and a beer.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Stiring the Cauldron...

..."through embracing the divinity of Earth and surrendering to the will of nature, the heart of truth and unconditional love can be found. If we dissolve the barriers that separate us from each other and the source, and activate our higher minds in the work we do to create change, our actions will create ascension and shift us to a magical, enlightened and liberated existence." L. Magdalene

"Alienation from nature and the loss of experience of being part of the living creation is the greatest tragedy of our materialistic era..I attribute absolute highest importance to consciousness change." St.Albert Hofmann

What if we can remember that we are indeed not that different from each other...that we all come from the same source...? What if we can suddenly realize that a much greater world exists...

How will you lift your veil & SEE someone today?

Malama Pono Laulena= love of right doing to your neighbor.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Dr.s Appt. & changes

So I had my 4 month follow up last week...

Doing well, doing slowly, doing, doing, doing. Doc extended my leave until Aug.2010. This hip business is taking much longer then I believe we both anticipated. I will have to have a RTHR in 5-10 yrs. Urgh! I don't even want to think of that. However, good news! That surgery will be 1000x easier since I haven't had any previous surgeries, but I'm starting to get arthritis in the joint & I can feel it.

I realized that I will not be able to return to any sort of work that I have been doing. On my feet for long hours, walking a lot, standing, stooping etc. I spoke with my work today & will be giving my notice and filling out paperwork to finalize everything. It's bittersweet. I've been at the Co-op for over a decade.

I made so many close friends which are more of an extended family. sigh! sadness! I've had the opportunity to get my Herbal Apprenticeship Certificate, travel the country, meet like minded people ( it's going to be strange, being in the "real" world), study with the best Herbalist in the country, being part of a strong community that value our Local, Organic Farmers, Natural food & alternative healing & the list goes on & on. I can't say enough good things about my job & the Co-op. I will miss everyone & I hope they will make the excuse to come & visit me. My house is always open to anyone that would like to visit So.Calif.

This gives me the opportunity to work on other projects that I really want to get started on. Just to name a few... I would like to start my on-line Vintage & body care line of natural products. ( Thank you, again to the Co-op. I learned how to make these beautiful treasures through my apprenticeship, classes etc.)

This women needs & wants to create... beauty, fun, inspiration & experience for other like minded mavens of the world that love being a women & likes to express her individuality like she knows best.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

~The Limping Goddess~

I am the... Limping Goddess:She-Who-Survives. Though limping and calloused, are the lotus feet of She-Who-Survives. I don't take walking for granted & one day I will not have to use this cane. That will be ☺♪☼♪♥....slowly getting there after 16 wks post LTHR. Looking back I have come a long way from not being able to move my leg & being in sooo much pain to being the "Limping Goddess". Thanks for Kat another Hip Chick for giving me a tip on helping me walk. Heel, toe step while squeezing the butt cheek. It's amazing that such a small thing could really help.

I'm looking forward to the Summer, sand between my toes, riding my bike, Belly Dancing, Poi Spinning, swimming, and the warm weather. This snow & rain has been tough with recouping but it has been very pretty. This is the most snow that we have ever gotten up here in the Sierra Foothills.

Pilates has been another good friend. It has been very helpful to my recovery. I have tons of work out dvd's, stretch bands, yoga mats etc. I just need a stationary bike. I can't wait to start doing Yoga, again. I think I started to soon a few weeks back & hurt my good knee.

I'm starting to get more flexible & it feels great. I can almost sit indian-style. It is so very exciting to sit that way. I know I keep saying it, but it has been 30 yrs since I've been able to do that.
Hip Hip Hooray to a girl that never gives up.
I'm One Hip Chick!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Dentist- after a THR

Soooo...I must say, I Really, Do Not, like to take anti-biotics : meaning "Anti- Life",but at this point, I will do it to insure that I don't get an infection in my new hip. Along with taking my Mushrooms & Pro-Biotics: "For-Life" for immunity.

I was informed that whenever I go to the dentist for the next 2 yrs, I have to pre-medicate myself with Anti-biotics. My Ortho. Dr's office said that I needed to get my meds from my Dentist, but since this was the 1st time at this Dentist, I had to get them from my regular Dr.

I don't like taking these (to me) nasty Anti-Life, Anti-Flora pills. Don't get me wrong. I honor all Allopathic medicine that is why I'm taking them. For me, I combine both Allopathic & Natural Healing to balance the effects of what the Allopathic medicine has done.

Anti-biotics kill all bacteria, both bad & good. Along with severly diminishing our intestinal flora.

I always add Pro-biotics to my diet on a daily basis, but even more so when I have taken anti-biotics. Probiotics feed the beneficial bacteria we already have in the GI tract.

I love to get my medicine through my food: Organic Yogurt ( no sugar), Kefir & Kombucha drink. Along with probiotic supplements of several strains of Bifido & Lactobacillus.




Our food is our pharmacy. The Oceans are our healers. Our very breathing can bring us real health. These things are truly healthy healing.They don't need pages of warnings and list of dangers. Everyone can use them. Linda Page N.D.,Ph.D

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Holy Cannoli

Well, it has been awhile. More computer issues & I'm embarrassed to mention, feeling down. I've been looking at my body, face & hair changing... gaining weight because I can't exercise or at least not enough. My muscles in my legs have atrophied & my left glut has deflated. My face is looking old, tired and saggy. My grey hair is coming to the forefront.

What is a girl to do!?!?... be thankful that we are now in Spring to enjoy the beautiful blooms that are starting to peak there lil' heads out for adoration. The Wonderland of Colour...Don't you just love the shift of energy that Spring sends under our feet.

It's time to pamper myself more, which I'm really good at doing. I'm going to give myself a footbath & a pedicure with the new OPI- Absolutely Alice. http://
I need some sparkles!

Thursday, February 25, 2010


Well, my right knee is starting to feel better. It has been 5 days...whatta bummer.

I've been wanting to make so many things. So I made a list of the items that I was going to make today. The hardest part is making a label for my products. I know what I want, but I can't draw and I don't know a thing about computer graphics. Where do I start, Who do I even ask? I've been spending so much time on the idea of not having a label that I haven't made anything. Soooo, I decided that I am doing things backwards. Make...Make...Make & the universe will bring, bring,bring. I will have a beautiful label for my beautiful products.

Universe! Thank You! for sending me the label/graphic fairies...

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Set Back! errrr

Last Sunday I did a little too much. I decided to go thrifting for several hours( I should have stopped there) and then went to Target for a few items. By the time I got home my right knee (the good one) was sore & painful to the touch. I woke up the next morning in pain. I could hardly walk to the bathroom & was crying in agony. It has now been 4 days & still using the walker and now my left hip is killing me for taking the weight off my good knee. I had to use the wheelchair to get around for my Dr's appt. yesterday.

What a bummer...

Point being, slowing, slowing move forward. You can set yourself back & it sucks to start all over, again. I read this over & over again on other blogs. I guess we all do it at some point. Sheesh!

Happy Healing to me!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Green friends on the walk

Mugwort-Artemisia is my totem herb. She is such a good friend...slowly she is waking from her winter slumber and feeling the shift of spring deep beneath the earth.Being a March baby I, too, feel this spring energy under my feet. I will soon be able to enjoy her pungent leaves in my homemade dream pillows and cramp oil.

Artemisia has so many wonderful uses.

Medicinal Uses: nervine,digestion, liver cleansing,pre-menstrual issues & Moxa sticks to name a few.

Magical Uses: to encourage... psychic dreams, clairvoyance, astral projections, provide safe travels & strength.
Miner's Lettuce: the bottom picture.
The Gold Miners -49ers didn't have much in the way of fresh produce & used the surrounding plants. Hence, the name Miner's Lettuce. I love the history of this gold mining area in the Sierra Foothills and feel very blessed to be part of it.
You can add this lovely succulent plant to your salads & taste of bit of spring in every bite.

pets on the walk

I always feel like the Pied Piper when going for a walk...I love how all the animals want to come along.

Gone for a walk

I'm 10wks post LTHR & finally able to walk my 5 1/2 acres. My leg is really weak & really got a work out walking all the hills & uneven ground. It felt good to be among the green plants & fresh mountain air.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Natural Healing

I've been so fortunate to work at the Co-op as the Wellness Manager for over a decade. I've been able to travel the country and learn from world renowned herbalist,naturopathic Dr's, listen to other teachers, friends & co-workers on some of the subjects that I find important...the environment, DSHEA,CODEX, Organic Farming, supporting our community, raw foods, other dietary avenues, just to name a few. And one that I find close to my heart ♥ Alternative Healing modalities.

Moving to Santa Cruz from Ventura (where I grew up) in my early 20's for 4 yrs was one of the best adventures and learning experiences of my life. There I learned to become Vegan. It was so easy with all the delicious restaurants & like minded people. I learned about gardening, herbs, communal living, singing in praise, radical self-expression- I would go to body modification parties. Nothing like seeing someone get branded.sizzle...sizzle...(how do you deal with pain, but with pain) how hemp could save the planet, cooking,enjoying life, living it up with nature & alternative natural healing.

My first herbal book was Michael Tierra-The Way of Herbs. Being that he was a Naturopathic Doctor in the area I guess it made since ,but I didn't know it at the time. I had insomnia a lot during my early 20's and one of the things I would do was bake for my roommates. I would get on my bicycle at 2:00 am with The Way of Herbs, a canvas tote & some clippers. I would look for those plants around the beach, neighbors yards & empty fields. Pick them and bring them home. I would examine them, read about them and give thanks to them for sharing their knowledge & beauty to me. I would put them in vases all over the kitchen and living room with bake goodies on the kitchen table and a lovely note for all to enjoy my insomnia laded night of picking plants and baking. It was always a lovely sight to behold for my roomies... and that was a blessing.

It's been 20yrs and I've learned so much since those times in Santa Cruz & wanted to share with whomever wishes to learn more about Herbalism, Essential Oils, Alternative Healing, Spirituality, Organic Gardening, Raw & Vegan cooking and enjoying life.

I plan on doing a haul soon of Natural items that I've used before,during & after my recovery from my THR.

~Green Blessings,

Saturday, February 13, 2010

bURNeR Bay--Bee

Dreaming of going home...I was thinking of the 10 principles of Burning Man and wanting to be a regional for my new area.
You can apply the 10 principles to your life, right now.
all principles shorten ...check out the website for more detailed info.
  • Radical Inclusion-anyone can be part of, strangers are welcomed & respected.

  • Gifting-devoted to giving, giving is unconditional,does not contemplate a return or exchange of something of equal value.

  • Decommodification-to preserve the spirit of gifting...create a social environment that are unmediated by commerical sponsorships.

  • *Radial Self-reliance-encourages the individual to discover,exercise & rely on your inner sources.

  • Radical Self- expression-arises from the unique gifts of the individual.

  • Communal Effort-values creative cooperation and collaboration.

  • Civic Responsibility-value civil society.

  • *Leaving No Trace-respects the environment, committed to leaving no physical trace of our activity wherever we gather.

  • *Participation- committed to a radical participatory ethic. We believe that transformative change, whether in the individual or in a society, can occur only through the medium of deeply personal participation. ...Make the world real through actions that open the heart.

  • to overcome barriers that stand between us and a recognition of our inner selves, the reality of those around us, participation in society, and contact with a natural world exceeding human powers.

~See you on the dust filled Playa,


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

~Wrap it in a Bow~

o.k. o.k o.k I have to get these shoes! Not only are they John Fleuvog's, one of my Favorite designers that I fell in love with in the 80's, they are the perfect pink, with a bow and heel. These to me, represents, more then a shoe...
Whimsy is a must in my life, it makes for a FUN adventure. Pinkalicious! A heel, even a 3" heel for me is a big deal. I can walk with a heel or at least I am hoping. Most importantly it has a Bow. I don't nor have I owned a pair of shoes that had laces. You know why? I could never bend at the hip to tie my shoe or lift my hip/leg upwards.
I CAN NOW!!! And, it feels Freakin' A-Maz-ing! I deserve these shoes!!!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


It's been a hard journey...This Hip Shit really does Suck! I've been learning a lot about myself and knowing what I want and need from life. You have plenty of time to go deep inside your dark mind when you are recouping from a major surgery. A place that can be too dark at times...

... places that felt foreign to me, places I knew that if I didn't get out of, I had the potential to do something to myself that I wasn't going to return from. I've given all that I can and it's not enough.

I've been slowly crawly out and dusting off the cobwebs. 9wks & now starting to feel *Life* again. It's in our hands, it always was.

I began slowly stretching, bending, feeling what my hip would allow me to accomplish. Feeling my body slowly becoming one with my mind. Connecting the dots, connecting the thoughts, letting go and feeling what my mind & body needed to tell me.

While sitting at the edge of my bed listening to the beats I slowly started going through the motions of spinning my Poi. I know I want to be part of the Fire Conclave at Burning Man and spin fire at the base of the "Man". That is one goal that I will attain even if it takes a year.

Spinning Poi is a very healing, therapeutic & spiritual experience for my soul. I had to stop months before my surgery because it caused too much pain. I need this outlet & I can't wait to get started, again. I know it will be months done the road but it gives me something to look forward to.

Sunday, February 7, 2010


I remember as a child being in the hospital and watching "Alice In Wonderland". I have always been intrigued with Alice and her many adventures. She is my escape even today at 40yrs old. I love the Magick, the mystery, the MaDNneSS of it all. I'm a huge kid at heart & never want to grow up. To me life is to short not to have as many adventures as possible.

Nothing is better then walking into an Aspen Grove & being greeted with an applause from the quaking leaves. Feeling the trees beat in rhyme with my heart. Seeing their vital energy force,their 8 etheric bodies flowing with mine.

Being telepathic to the 10th degree, knowing what my best friend, lover & partner is thinking without speaking. Having conversations in our heads...

Making LOvE and seeing the brightest light of LOvE coming from within our bodies, connecting, spinning, swirling,twirling and emanating as one.

Watching the billowy clouds whisper my name. Connecting with Nature is vital, it's the best adventure to have. Feeling the warmth of the sun kissing my cheeks. Wrapping me up in the
"Oh So Tangerine" soaked skies.

Laughing until your sides hurt & you can't stop crying. Your makeup is a mess and you look like you just had been beaten up by your man. You try & pull it together and get your Urban Decay Lip Plumper on and feel the tingle of the chemicals burning the shit* outta your lips. Yay! This is beauty.

Eating a messy piece of fruit and looking like a 2 yr old with mashed up fruit on your face & hands. "Why have kids, When you can be one".

Seeing through glitter, sparkling being a child and seeing the wonderment in life.
"Simple like a flower, and that's a complicated thing".

One of my favorite places on earth is where my birthday, Christmas, Halloween, New Years & Serendipity are one...I'm coming home, I'm coming home, I'm coming home.

A boat beneath a sunny sky,
Lingering onward dreamily
In an evening of July~
Children three nestle near.
Eager eye and willing ear,
Pleased a simple tale to hear~
Long had paled that sunny sky:
Echoes fade and memories die.
Autumn frost have slain July.
Still she haunts me, phantomwise,
Alice moving under skies
Never seen by waking eyes.
Children yet, the tale to hear,
Eager eye and willing ear.
Lovingly shall nestle near.
In a WONDERLAND they lie,
Dreaming as the days go by,
Dreaming as the summers die:
Ever drifting down the stream~
Lingering in the golden gleam~
Life, what is it but a dream?

~July 4th, 1862

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Moving Forward ~literally

I really can't get over the strange & surreal feeling of being able to move my hip/my body in ways that I haven't been able to in 30yrs. I've compensated for so many years and now I have to tell my mind, my body to move a different way. It's really very exciting. I was starting to feel stuck in my movements because of my hip restrictions, but at my 8wk post-op appt. on Thursday I received the o.k. to start doing things, slowly. I wonder now why I didn't get this surgery sooner. It's o.k. I did now & I know it's going to be a freakin' trip getting used to this new Bionic Body. I really can't express in words how I feel and it's very emotional at times.

So many people take their bodies for granted... they waste their lives not doing, not enjoying, appreciating or being envious of others. I've had other people envious of me, but would they really give up the simple pleasure, the simple thing as being able to touch their toes while sitting, doing a leg lift without thought, crossing their legs, sitting Indian style, bending at the hip, going for long walks/hikes. I don't think so... I say this not as a "poor me" attitude, but as a reminder to yourself to be happy, to "think" happy about yourself & your body, appreciate what you can do. Life has so much to offer all of us and so little time to do it.

X-RAY-post op THR 8wks

My left side is underdeveloped and very small. I knew I was screwed...LOL! Titanium screws, I hope those babies don't come loose. You can also see how my pelvis is twisted. I'm still getting used to my new self. It's all so very weird, and only those that have experienced it know what i'm talking about. It can be so emotional at times.
All in all, I am very happy with my new hip.
Here is to all you Hippies out there! You brave souls! You are beautiful ! You are not forgotten!
The toughest part is almost over. I wish you many new "Hip" adventures.
Remember you are "Hipstastic"!!!
Luv ya, Ina, One Hip Chick.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Honoring My Bejeweled Moon

Ancient Mother I hear you calling...

I always want to go within during my moon and connect with my Sisterhood.

Over the years, I've been so grateful to be able to be enriched with the teachings, stories & ceremonies with other women of what it really means to Menstruate, what it means to be a We'Moon on her period...

The cycle of the moon runs through our veins, the power of the ocean, the pull of the tides are a strong current within us, too.

We become more psychic during our cycle & our dreams have much to tell us. Listen to all the wisdom they have to teach us. Your intuition will never lie.

My cycle is always on the Full Moon or the New Moon.
Luna is a strong force for all of us. Feel her Magick! Embrace the Power Surge!

I say: rejoice in your Self, honour your cycle. Give yourself permission to Nap. Nurture yourself, be a Wise and Wild Women!

I call upon a couple of songs when I need the power of my Womenhood to be with me.

Women Am I
Spirit Am I
I am the infinite within my soul
I have no beginning and
I have no end
All this I am.

We are Sisters on a journey
Shining in the sun,
Shining through the darkest night,
the healing has begun, begun,
the healing has begun.
We are Sisters on a journey,
singing now as one,
remembering the ancient ones,
the women and the wisdom,
the women and the wisdom.

~REClaiM your FLoW~

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Vintage- another life


Saturday, January 30, 2010

7 wk post-op scar

I'm part of the most elite club around. There is a very high initiation to enter this club & that is a badge of courage, a scar of untold stories. The club isn't for the faint at heart or the weak. Even though at times you feel like you can't do it even for one more minute, hour, day or year. And, some how you do it...
  • Where does this strength come from?
Somewhere deep inside our souls we yearn to do more. ~Celebrate all that is "Hip".
We research to the point, beyond the word " Obsession". Knowledge is Power!
We find the strength & support from other "Hip Chicks", "Hip Sisters", "Hipsters" & "Hippies". Sisterhood is empowering! In sharing our stories much healing is possible.
  • We are a "Lioness", a "Dandelion" dent de lion= the teeth of a lion. May the light and healing brillance empower & manifest its vision of healing into your journey.
  • Appreciate the wonder & beauty of your body & the feminineness.

  • Deliver me to my
  • power
  • passion
  • brillance
  • power to heal
  • sacred essence

~words from the heart reach out to touch the hearts of others.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Freedom at last

I put on my favorite ButtUgly ( is the name of the clothing line of a local artist & good friend that uses reclaimed vintage material ). Check out my FB ButtUgly Fan Club of her wares. Grabbed the car keys and was off for the 1st time in 7 wks. I drove all by my lil self. I took my mom to one of our gold country thrift stores out here on the divide. Freedom fo sho... I even made a date to see one of my best friends next week.

When you live out here in the boon-boon-boonies you have to be very organized and pray that it doesn't rain or snow. Or at least have the wine, beer or whiskey in the house. JK. Otherwise, you are staying in. And, let me tell you, I've been in this house for WEEKS. No way, was I going out & slipping,slipping, slipping into the future.

It feels so good to start getting out in the community & feel like a real person, again.

RockStar nails/Pedicure here I come...Haircut, too! Eeek! I feel like a little girl going to Disneyland for the 1st time. I thought I would never get this mop and toe jam dealt with. Gross- I know. When you have hip restrictions for 12 weeks you have to beg someone to clean those jankie feet and by that time they are looking pretty bad.

Monday, January 25, 2010

This or That

This really sucks:
  • Not being able to do for myself.
  • Being in lock down because of the rain.
  • Feeling alone.
  • Having to ask for help.
  • Gaining weight.
  • Having to wait it seems like an eternity before I'm up & going.
  • Having to deal with childhood memories & feelings.
  • Having my leg 1/2 inch longer-which is more like 2" because I am so small.
  • Not having enough $$$ to pay the bills.
  • Having a bad attitude.
  • Last year loosing a baby & my fallopian tube.
  • This year loosing my femur head & acetabulum.

That it's worth it:

  • Doing more then I could the 1st week
  • Like getting in & out of bed by myself.
  • Getting to surf the web for hours & not feel guilty.
  • Knowing that I have friends that care about me
  • And meeting new ones on line that are going through the same thing.
  • Family that will do anything for me. Even when I drive them NUTS.
  • I'll be able to join the gym & work this hip weight off.
  • I will be able to do so much more then before.
  • Working through the past.
  • Dr. said that the leg discrepancy will even out in several months.
  • Getting at least some $$$ from EDD.
  • Grateful for all the wonderful things in my life.
  • My poodle is my kid.
  • Going Bionic- the osteoarthritis is gone. No rain pain.

At My Side- Bijoux

Mama's boy has been at her side from day one. I just need to teach him how to fetch things for me. Thank goodness for my poodle, he is always there when I need him, when no one else is.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Painfully Hip

Some days are just not my cup of tea...

I woke up with the worst pain in my right, non-op leg. Still having to compensate for my left leg & the hip precautions that I have. I tell you, it's not easy being HIP. So anyway, woke up in pain, needed some meds, walked to the kitchen to get some water and wouldn't you know it the water filter wasn't working. I needed WATER. I, of course, yelled & was pissed off because we had no water. Then later I noticed that the phone had a message & no one told me that my friend called. It just hit me like a ton of tears... I couldn't stop crying. I felt hopeless, angry, grief, sadness, and so utterly ALONE. I just let it all out.

Friends & family try to understand, but really they have no idea. It's tiring putting on a happy face for everyone around you. Know one really wants to really hear that you are in pain & when you are in as much pain everyday as us Hip Girls you just deal.

I think it was a delayed reaction to all this Hip stuff. I cried a little in the hospital & told myself not to waste my energy on the tears until I got home.

I stayed in my room all day cried, slept & finally drank some

Believe me when I say I don't want you to feel sorry for me. Keep it! I'm a strong cookie, but sometimes I just need to cry and not feel bad doing it. Hey! It's my Hip Party and I will cry if I want to.

Thank goodness for all of my EO's- essential oils, Dr.Hauschka Moor Lavender oil & hankies with rose water.

Friday, January 22, 2010

3 wk post op

So this is me, 3 wk post op using a walker. You can see how my left leg is sticking out.

At my 4 wk post op appt. Dr.Mar gave me a script for outpatient PT & he mentioned that they would show me how to use a cane. I felt really good & ready to move to the cane even with the unstable feeling of my left leg being 1/2 inch longer then my right. Dr. said it would take about 3 months before I even out because my pelvis was so twisted and the muscles need to adjust from 30 yrs of doing something different. Watch out! I'm going to have buns of steel, oh know, that is hip of steel.

I am really amazed how my body is healing... I feel better every day. I don't have pain from my hip, just the rest of my body adjusting & still compensating for my left hip.

I can't wait to see what this new bionic hip can do. But,first, my main goal is to do a simple leg lift. Can you believe that I've never been able to do one with my left leg? I've learned to adapt & compensate for so many years...old habits are hard to break. This is a new me with new guide lines that I want to excel with this new bionic self.

It took me just over 4 wks to to do most of my exercises comfortably. Day 1- 1wk was the most painful period. I couldn't even do most of my exercises. I had to do creative visualization... seeing in my minds eye what exercise I wanted my leg to do. My leg was so weak and painful that it wouldn't even move. Slowly, slowly... and now at 6wks I'm using 3lb weights. Every week I get a few more exercises added on. I've had PT since day one. The 4 days in the hospital I had PT 2x a day. When I came home I had PT come to my house 2x a wk & I have to do my exercises 3x a day.

My Dr. says walk as much as you can ,this will be really good for you. I've been stuck in this house because of the rain, wind and snow. I can only do so many laps around the kitchen, living room

I've been very fortunate to have my Hip Sisters to confide in. Only they really know what this crazy journey is all about. Hugs & Kisses to my Sisters.

See you on HipChicks & the yahoo hipgroup.

Sunday, January 17, 2010


Wearing my homemade apron that I received for Christmas from Momma Pat (brady's mommie). Mom & I made banana bread...Yum! It's smelling really good.
This is a rather big deal for me, baking that is. Using a cane & finally able to stand long enough to make something in the kitchen.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Ina-Stein & her scar.

2wks post-op. Getting my staples removed... free at last. Some bruising & lots o swelling.
Been using Homeopathic Arnica Pellets, Arnica Gel & R.I.C.E- rest,ice,compress,elevate.
The removal of the staples didn't hurt. Most of my pain was from the swelling.
The weather has been cold,rainy & foggy & guess what? My hip doesn't hurt!


Had to change the hair before my surgery.