Saturday, November 14, 2009

getting off the floor with my cast.

Gurney style with a body cast
& class mates.
My 7" scar- excuse the bed pan.LOL!
Hydro Pool.


  1. Hi Ina~
    OMG...I had no idea how much you went through as a child! Mine wasn't diagnosed until I was like 33. Was your surgery a failure or was it just supposed to only last a short time? I can't imagine what you went through as a young girl with all that :(

  2. Before I get too busy with wrapping gifts and then our new bundle I wanted to say "Merci" for following Parisienne Farmgirl this past year.
    I hope you continue to share your adventures and thoughts thru the art of blogging and that you find 2010 a wonderful year.
    Thank you again!


  3. Hi there my name is Alan from south africa
    I also had hip spicas I was just wondering why they cast your legs so wide apart.How lond did you have your casts on for?

  4. I know I should be encouraging you but I just couldn't help myself but say I'm sorry that you have to go through all those stuff. But then again, your positive attitude amazes me and others would feel the same as well.

    Here's an interesting article about depuy asr hip replacement that I think you should read.
